Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
9898 E Colfax Ave
Aurora, CO 80010
Find your favorite book or rent a new movie. Visit Martin Luther Kind, Jr. Library today and see how wonderful the library really is!
Aurora Second Chances
In addition to being a resource for the formerly incarcerated, Second Chance Center is committed to systematic prison reform and advocacy. We will continue to champion criminal justice reform and the rights of those affected as part of our goal to reverse the negative impact of incarceration on communities.
Opportunity Center
The Fields Foundation and Mosaic Church along with key community partners are committed to provide opportunities and remove barriers for the residents of Original Aurora through direct programming; collaborations with business, non profits and government agencies and by advocacy and public policy changes.
Day Labor Center
The Dayton Street Day Labor Center was founded by community and city leaders concerned about the prevalence of worker exploitation and dangerous working environments that Aurora’s day laborers face on a daily basis.
Art in Public Places
Aurora’s Art in Public Places Program enhances the quality of life in Aurora as high-quality neighborhoods and public spaces are developed and maintained.
Locally and nationally renowned artists have created 300 individual pieces to enhance the city’s public spaces with works of art ranging from outdoor sculptures and murals to functional works integrated into the architecture.
City of Aurora and Aurora Water
Aurora was incorporated as the town of Fletcher on April 30, 1891. The new town, one of the new crop of suburbs sprouting up around Denver, was four square miles of prairie reaching from Yosemite Street to Peoria and 6th Avenue north to 26th Avenue. In 1907 the town was renamed Aurora. Aurora history is one of change, growth, diversity, and community. Since its early history, Aurora has grown to a city of 154 square miles and a population of approximately 335,000 people. Aurora is one of the most diverse cities in the Aurora/Denver metro area.